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Bangkok Love Story, Thai Style. Bangkok Escort, A Thai Girls Diary. Part 3.

I went to school for two years in Bangkok, part time every Sunday. After I had been going to school for two years the company I was working for got a lot of new business. My boss asked me to stop going to school and to start working in the office instead. The new job meant more money but also that I had to work more than before. The work was more free and some days I worked a lot and some days a little less. No more school for me, something I regret today but at that time I had no choice. Part of me feels very bad about not having any education but at the same time I feel proud that I could help my mom and my family to get out of debt. We don’t have a lot but since 4 years ago we don’t owe any money to anyone.

When I was around 18 years old I had my first boyfriend, I had never been with a boy before. We had known each other for 3-4 years before anything happened between us. He was very handsome but also lazy. He did not work or do anything so I had to do everything. He came from a rich family so he was used to not work. After he met me he didn’t get any more money from the family but he was still too lazy to get a job. I had to take care of him also. We did not stay together very long, maybe a year.


When I finished with my boyfriend a felt like I was rich because I did not have to give him any money. I was still giving a lot to my mom but I could also afford to go see my friends and go out shopping. I wondered why I had wasted so much time on him and not finished before. I think my first boyfriend was a good teacher to me. After him I did not want to be with any boys because I thought they were all lazy and no good.

After 6-7 months I met a new guy who was a friend of one of our customers. The customer liked me and always brought me gifts when he came to do business. One time he came with a friend who also liked me. The friend was more handsome and looked like a good man. I got the feeling that he was kind and supportive. He was a lot different from my last boyfriend. We went to see movies and have dinner and we had a good time together. Unfortunately he lived a 3 hour buss ride from Bangkok and I did not have much free time. We could not see each other so much, maybe once a week. Every Saturday night after work I had to get on a buss to go see him and every Monday morning, around 3 am, I had to wake up to go back to work in Bangkok. I was always tired but it was OK because I was in love. We stayed together for around 3 years but then he made another girl pregnant and I finished with him. I was very sad because we had planed to get married. I still think he was a good man and could have been a good husband but I could not forgive.

Article Source: sooperarticles.com/travel-articles/city-information-guides-articles/bangkok-love-story-thai-style-bangkok-escort-thai-girls-diary-part-3-1086.html

About Author:

Noon for Bangkok Escort, A Thai Girls Diary.Author: Noon