
Sizzling Hot Ways To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Jealous

By Anthony Malibu

Getting an ex boyfriend’s attention is the foundation of getting him interested in you again. If you’re looking for ways to get your man back, you’ll need to know how to reinsert yourself back in his head. Jealousy is one of the fastest and most effective methods for getting your exboyfriend to look your way, but it’s also a tool that needs to be used in moderation…

Jealousy. It’s the single greatest motivator when it comes to a relationship – even one that’s broken up. It doesn’t matter how long ago you got dumped or how distant your ex might seem: the moment you make him envious is the very second he begins noticing you again. Even in the scenario where you haven’t talked to or heard from your ex in a while, jealousy can be used as a crowbar to pry your way back into his thoughts again. You need to be careful however, with how you use it.

The best ways of making your ex jealous involve anything that doesn’t point back to you directly. If your exboyfriend thinks for one minute that you’re trying to get his attention – all bets are off. Jealously only works when your boyfriend notices things on his own, which is why you can’t overly flaunt or point out what’s going on to him. But at the same time, you also need to do certain things within plain sight, so he visualizes certain aspects of your new post-breakup life.

Below you’ll find a list of sizzling hot ways to make your ex boyfriend jealous.


Move On From The Relationship… FAST

The quicker you can get over the break up, the more respect your ex will have for you. By not begging or pleading for him to give your romance a second chance, you’re essentially shrugging your shoulders and showing your exboyfriend that you don’t care so much. Think this is a bad thing? Not by a longshot. In fact, the less he thinks you cares right now, the more you’re going to shake him up. Guys like to think they made the right decision when they break up with you. By showing him the break up seemingly hasn’t affected you? You’re actually causing him to question his decision to end things.

Disappear Completely

Dropping out of your ex’s sight is the one and only way to make him wonder where you are. Steer clear of him, his friends, and any friends of yours that might report your activities back to him (at least initially). There will be a certain time to make your ex boyfriend jealous, and that time will definitely require you being in his line of sight. But first, you need to disappear for a while so he can both miss you and wonder what you could be up to that doesn’t include him.

Focus Inwardly On Yourself

Now that you’ve pulled the curtain over the stage, transform that stage into something that will knock your ex flat on his ass the next time he sees you. Need to get in shape? Hit the gym. Don’t get out much? Get yourself a tan. Looking the same lately? Hit the mall, and buy yourself a whole bunch of new outfits. When you start looking and feeling better, physically and superficially, you’re going to start emotionally feeling a whole lot better too. Which leads to your next move…

Spread Positivity Everywhere

No guy wants to take back an emotional mess of an ex girlfriend. When your boyfriend finally does see you again, will you be a desperate, hopeless mess? Or will you have your chin up and a big smile on your face? Which one do you think is more attractive to him? Looking at things from your ex boyfriend’s viewpoint will help you realize what you need to do. By maintaining a positive outlook and staying cheerful, you’re going to channel positive energy and surround yourself with happiness (and happy people). This leads to success, always – in both relationships, and in life. Doing the opposite will always lead to failure.

Get Out and See Other People

The most sizzling hot ways to make your ex boyfriend jealous involve having him see you with other guys. Does this mean you should run out and date the first guy who asks you out? Of course not. But it


mean you should make yourself accessible. Curling up at home and not leaving the house is going to hurt your cause – if you want your ex boyfriend back, you need to create an attractive package. Get out, have fun, and make sure he sees you doing it. Date other guys, and be open to the idea of connecting with them. Don’t “mock up” a date or pick your friend’s good-looking brother to take you out… your ex will see right through that. If you want to make him jealous you have to be real… and you have to be having real fun to boot.

About the Author: There are other great ways of

making your ex boyfriend jealous

, so find out what they are! And for a full-scale battle plan to reversing your break up, be sure to check out the 8 Step Process at

Get Back Your Ex Boyfriend



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