Web Developer

Squidoo Lens And Hub Pages For Boosting Search Engine Ranking, Affiliate Marketing And Site Traffic

By Neha Rani Gupta

Most of you have already heard about the Squidoo lens and HubPages. If you have not, you must be missing out the top internet marketing strategy over internet which is available for you for free. Frankly speaking these are the two fabulous sites that can help you boost your website traffic. Also it helps you effectively in boosting up your website ranking in major search engines and help in search engine optimization (SEO).

Squidoo lenses and HubPages are the two different sites owned by different people. But these are similar in working and benefit you similarly. More or less these are ideal for promoting your online business. These sites should be tried by every internet marketer and online business owner just because these are free and provide you great benefits.

How Squidoo Lens and HubPages Help Boosting Search Engine Rankings

First of all as these are the free sites that anyone can join, more and more business people, marketers, bloggers and webmasters are getting attracted towards these sites. These are the brilliant sites that help you get the fast one way backlinks for you for free.


If you can write effectively on your niche you can join these sites and earn the freedom of placing your website links on their pages. These are the sites that are indexed highly on search engines, your content pages also get indexed fast within a week or less.

Squidoo is the 7th ranked website according to Google. And similar is the ranking of HubPages. Due to this reason more and more people are getting attracted towards these sites to promote their products, services and online business.

Squidoo Lens and HubPages for Affiliate Marketing

If you have tried out marketing your business online through article marketing, you may be aware that most of the article directories out there do not allow you to add your affiliate links to their site. But this is not the case with Squidoo lens and HubPages.

Squidoo lens and HubPages allows you to add your affiliate links to the pages and thus helps in enhancing your profits through affiliate marketing. This is the main reason why more and more people are getting attracted towards these sites and getting success in affiliate marketing through these two sites.

Squidoo lens and HubPages for Boosting Website Traffic

May be you have tried out many of the techniques and tricks to boost up your site traffic through genuine ways. But if you have not yet seen any positive results Squidoo lens and HubPages are for you. You can write unique and fresh content for these sites and publish them with your own links to get the higher search engine rankings.

If you make your pages attractive you can effectively increase the chance to get more website traffic through these sites. Effective writing will inspire your readers to click on your website links and you can get more and more traffic.

As a writer you can also learn lot of things from these sites. With the good article writing skills and some keyword research you can write effective article that is rich in keywords.

These are the sites that also provide you the fine details about the traffic you get for your pages and thus help you to get idea about how you are growing.

About the Author: Article marketing is something that you should not miss out. If you have not tried it yet you should give it a try. Look at our cheap and affordable services at




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