Strata Management

The Key To Time Management Putting First Things First

The Key To Time Management Putting First Things First


Michael Stead

Our time is without question our most precious resource that we have available to us today. Unfortunately, far too many people take for granted this resource and as a result, are not very productive nor are they very effective in what they do.

While there are numerous strategies available to us today, in my opinion no one describes how to manage

time better than author Stephen Covey. If you do not recognize his name, he is the author of the book The 7 Habits Of Highly Effective People and in this book, he describes a unique process on how to manage your time very effectively so that you can become productive.


To paraphrase some of his ideas from his book, one of the ideas to better manage your time is to describe your day and your time in a metaphor. Think of your day as a bowl which represents the 24 hours we have in a day.

Next visualize three big rocks which represent the most important things that you need to get done that day.

Next visualize a glass of sand which represents the less important things you need to get done in your day but still need to be completed.

Finally, visualize a glass of water which represents all the distractions you have in your life which happen each day.

As Stephen describes, in order for you to fill your bowl without it overflowing, you need to place these items in a very particular order. For example, if you were to place the sand and water in first and then tried to fit the rocks in last, the bowl would overflow and you would not have any room to fit the rocks in.

When we think about the lesson from this metaphor, it demonstrates to us that in order for us to become more effective, we need to Put First Things First and organize our day so that we always have the time to get our most important activities done first.

By forming this new habit of prioritizing our activities, you will find that you will start to become more effective and productive in each and every day.

If you would like to get more information about time management and other personal development ideas, make sure you read the resource box below and click on the link to my blog.

Michael Stead Is An Expert Internet Marketer Who Shows Network Marketers How To Use Cutting Edge Technology To PROFIT To No End In Their Businesses In His Free 8 Day Video Bootcamp. Get Your Free Video Bootcamp Here:

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The Key To Time Management Putting First Things First